This picture above was taken from the doorway of the first unit in the apartment which is on the right side. It shows the wall going up in the middle of the floor. This wall is what separates this first unit on the right from the 2nd unit on the left side of the building, it's a duplex apartment. The orange hose hanging from the ceiling and the walls are the layout for the electrical wires.
That's Bagyan in the picture above making the concrete division between the two units in this duplex apartment. The back-to-back kitchen area will be installed on that wall that he is making. The back-to-back bathroom is just behind him. So both units share the same major plumbing materials but each one will have their own separate and individual plumbings.
Wherever Bagyan is, that's where Jim is also. As usual, my 3 1/2-year old nephew Jim is always following Bagyan around in the work site. He's trying to be helpful in anyway he can. If his uncle Bagyan asks him to hand over a spade like in this picture above, he knew exactly what to get and will hand it over right away. That's because he's very observant and is curious about the names of the different tools and equipments.
Child labor? ha-ha-ha. That's Jim handing over a pail of mixed mortar and cement to his uncle Bagyan while the latter is filling in the top of the door and the windows where it meets the beam. This child is a real hard worker like Bagyan and you could not pry him away from the work site unless be becomes sleepy which is normal as he's only 3 1/2 years old. The inseparable duo are working on enclosing the front door of the 1st unit.

The steel window near the door is a high window. This will provide some privacy for the occupants of the house. Anyone passing by to go to the left unit will not be able to see inside the right unit. The two units share the same frontage and another neighbor uses the same frontage which is being tolerated for the time being until we can completely enclose the property. The height of the whole second floor from floor to ceiling is 10 feet high.
This is the 2nd unit which is on the left side of this duplex apartment. The outside walls were already enclosed with concrete hollow blocks and the steel windows were put in place.
This is the small veranda at the back of the 2nd unit where the occupants can hang their laundry to dry, the sun hits this side the whole day.
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